Friday, May 8, 2020

Keeping the Beat with Miss Katie

Hello Roots Families!

Excited to be a guest again on the blog!  Hope everyone’s doing well and enjoying that SUNSHINE this week!  In fact, my family and I were so inspired by this beautiful weather this week, that we wanted to share one of our favorite songs, “You are my Sunshine”.  Along with sharing this special and very weather-appropriate song today, we’d also like to invite you to join in on some “keeping the beat” practice. 

There are many ways to keep the beat with our bodies.  Do you remember in class when we practice keeping the beat with a variety of different music to start our music lessons?  Here are some ideas you and your family can try:

  • Tapping your head
  • Tapping your nose!
  • Tapping an object that makes a fun sound, even the floor
  • Clapping
  • Tapping your legs
  • Stomping your feet
  • Jumping
  • Waving your arms

Can you think of any other ways to keep the beat?

In the video below, my daughter Charlotte and I introduce you to the song “You are my Sunshine” and show you some fun ways to keep the beat as you learn one of our favorite songs!  Try keeping the beat a different way each time we sing the song. Watch out for a quick special guest appearance from my youngest daughter Hailey who will be starting Roots this fall!  Enjoy the video and the sunshine!


Miss Katie

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