Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Avery’s weekday fun

This week has been fun but challenging trying to big sisters school all set up and doing things Avery wants as well. We decided to start our own alphabet book and so far he's only wanted to do "A" and write his name :) He was so excited to get something in the mail and loves the spinner, he and maddy started playing hide and seek with counting to the the number spun (hard to hide in 1 second ha ha) And the weather has been nice so there has been lots of riding the scooter, climbing on rocks, building forts and taking the dog for walks.


  1. I love the idea of Spinner Hide and Seek! Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like fort-building has been a popular activity for quite a few friends and I'm so happy to hear there are rocks to climb on again. Avery, you could add the activities you've been doing to your alphabet book just like the Keaveny family has been doing! Let me know how it goes!

  2. Avery, I'm glad that you've been practicing writing your name. What else starts with "A"? Can you write it or draw it in your alphabet book? A word I thought of is animal. Do you know any animals that have a name that starts with the letter "A"? What about fruits or vegetables that start with "A"?
