Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Counting Is Fun! -Try This Activity with Loose Parts

This activity is a hands-on way to engage your child in practicing counting, while gaining numeracy skills and one-to-one correspondence. Best of all, it can be done with objects you have in your backyard or at home!

What You'll Need:
  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • 10 different materials
  • Ideas for outdoor objects: rocks, pinecones, twigs, seeds, etc.                 
    • Collecting is part of the fun!
  • Ideas for indoor objects: dried beans, paperclips, marbles, legos, crayons 
    • You could even use dried fruit, veggies, or cheese to make a counting snack!

How To:
  • Write numbers 1-10 vertically down one side of the paper (or on the ground with chalk like the photo below).
    • Make sure there's enough space between each number to align items on the paper.
    • Allow children to write the numbers if they're able, or write the numbers in a light color so children can trace over them.
  • Direct child to gather 10 different types of materials in order, lining them up beside the corresponding number. For preschool children it is easiest to focus on one number at a time.
    • ex. Go find 1 of something, now find 2 of something, with children placing the item(s) beside the corresponding value as they are found

Some children will eagerly find objects for numbers 1-10 in one session, while other children may need to space this activity out into 2 or 3 sessions. The goal is for children to enjoy the whole process of collecting and counting so keep your child's attention span in mind and meet them where they're at! Happy Counting!

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